Mr. R. Panneerselvam
E.Rm.E. Rengasamy Educational Foundation

Mrs. Premalatha Panneerselvam
Managing Director
E.Rm.E. Rengasamy Educational Foundation
E. Rm. E. Rengasamy Educational Foundation oversees the executive committee of Mahatma Montessori Schools & Mahatma Global Gateway Schools. The foundation/board provides the strategic direction, financial planning & management, and bylaws that outline the organization’s purpose, value and structure.
E.Rm.E. Rengasamy Educational Foundation
Managing Director
E.Rm.E. Rengasamy Educational Foundation
Committee members for the academic year 2024-2025 are as follows:
Chairperson & Correspondent
Representative of Matriculation Schools
Representative of CBSE Schools
Representative of IGCSE Schools