Aandal Thirupavai Translation – Thirupavai 30

The illustrious Kesava, who churned the boundless ocean,
Adorned with a visage radiant as the luminous moon,
Was devoutly worshipped by tender maidens,
Who sought His divine grace with unwavering reverence.

In the resplendent city of Puduvai,
The venerable sage, Pattarpiran Kothai,
Ornamented the world with a garland of sublime Tamil verses—
Thirty in number, imbued with sacred wisdom.

Those who recite this celestial hymn unfailingly,
Shall be graced by the supreme Lord,
Whose eyes gleam like crimson lotuses, whose countenance radiates divine splendor,
And through His boundless mercy, they shall be blessed with eternal bliss.

Vishwa J

Grade X Teacher

Mahatma Algarkovil Matric